Saturday, October 2, 2021

When Life Throws You Lemons…Make Lemonade

A new blog on a beautiful day, talking about the LEMONS of life, those sour, icky problems that creep in. Today I list the negatives first, then the beautiful positives that are part of my crafty days.

1. COVID, past present and future. It has come into my life and altered it. I am a senior with an Etsy shop that I have been trying to establish for ten plus years. Covid did not help me earn orders in my shop. COVID begged me to stay at home, so I obeyed. Now after a year I find it very comforting at home and I am trying to adapt to the real world again. COVID, you got me personally, I survived, I got my two vaccines also, on account that I was thinking about others besides just ME. I am a believer in personal choices, and I just reread the Constitution that our country was founded on. I am also a morally, pretty righteous person, so in most cases I try and do what's right for others. Booster shot comes next along with my flu shot. Please, please, please Big Government, stay away from me. 
2. MY ETSY SHOP, not a success, or a failure. My complaint, I cannot rely on Etsy, my shop for income. I will get a bunch of orders, then for 3 weeks, nothing. It is so on again, off again that I cannot actually see the future in it. This LEMON has gotten too big for its britches. Just my personal opinion. I cannot compete with ALL the others doing virtually the same things as I am doing. What is my niche? Have not figured that one out.
3. BEING OVER 70, yes, a big one for sure. Aches and pains, tired more often, a bit less enthusiasm, sitting too much, hard time sleeping, etc. All these small things sneak up on you very gradually. There IS a lot more help out there than there used to be for everyone turning that retirement corner. Stay busy, have hobbies, stay in touch with those you love, get your hips replaced, (thank you many times over for this), eat fruits and veggies more, do not worry so much if you don’t sleep well, your body clock will help you out, and the big one, keep moving.

ENOUGH LEMONS, here are my positives, that generally win my battles:
1. I love crafts, paper making, thinking up new ideas, being an artist, origami, paper flower bouquets, reading my craft books, trying new projects….did I already say that.
2. I love my hobbies: crocheting, oil painting, gardening, bird watching, photography, Mother Nature. My little stories on all these subjects go back to when I was a little girl. I hope to share them in this blog, because they absolutely thrill me.
3. I will end on this marvelous positive….this one means more to me than life itself…I love, adore, relish, and stay in touch with my 13 grandchildren. This has been a looong adventure, for 27 years now. The excitement is renewed with the advancement of social media. Fun to keep in touch on Insta! Snap!, WhatsAp!, messaging, and more. And I relish telling MY stories of being young, many of which shock them, but so subtly bring out their stories, which makes me love them all the more.
There is much more to my story,, not only as a crafting grama, but as an individual. I hope to share it here, in my little gratitude journal of life.

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